Once an idea is out and about, it can’t be called back, silenced or erased. You can’t contain it, any more than you could put the head of a dandelion back together after the wind has scattered its seeds.
P.W. Catanese
Codeacademy: a Place to Grow
Codeacademy is a place I will be spending a lot of time this summer. I liked how much there was to offer. There is so much as a Digital Historian that I want to know about technology and the uses of tools. I did the free section on HTML and CSS. How it was set up: you could see your code’s creation on the side panel. I found it very easy and innovative. These machine languages are used to create websites that need maintenance. I want the flexibility that comes with making your designs. A professional website for a Digital Historian could open doors, so it needs to be current. With all this said, I want to complete the free training. I did the HTML lesson and created a bear website, and I then went further and did a CSS lesson that made a hiker website. I didn’t find it difficult, and it gave me confidence. Being a digital historian, I know I need to know what available tools are and hopefully even learn to use them myself. I’d suggest this website to anyone interested in coding creatively.
Storymaps are going to become the presentation tool schoclars use in the humanities. I found it far more versatile than a powerpoint. I liked how easily it can map locations. It becomes a work of art rathern then just slide after slide. I didn’t want to do a storymap on my family or vacations that I’d post, so I choose to do a story on my favorite place in the world, Mount Pisgah. I can’t call it a vacation spot, it is more of a place I found balance. So I picked a few beautiful places from that area. It was elegant how it was set up, but I can tell there is so much more to the platform. Storymaps have so many possibilities for academics. We did view some examples of Storymaps people have done. And they were amazing. This is a tool I’d suggest for use by any Historian. I had thought it was more of a professional powerpoint. But I found it is far more than that, by seeing the creations of other students.
Click Here for Storymap